I find minimalistic images an invitation to slow down and look more closely, beyond what is presented at face value. Paired with Haiku poetry, which is minimalistic in itself, I see an interplay of mood, theme, or emotion. These pairings draw me in, where less becomes more, and the combination of image and verse deepens my understanding of what I see within. Although traditional Haiku focuses on the natural world, I created these Haiku-image parings to explore mind and spirit. Most of the photos are of the natural world, so maybe the spirit of a Haiku is fulfilled. I challenge you to explore these images and to feel what you see.
My passion ravaged,
my joy pillaged, but never
through another’s eyes.
Outcome we seek, but 
a Meaningful endeavor
is the Just reward.
Foolish is the speed
if in the wrong direction.
To be fast go slow.
Always to be growing.
Living a meaningful life.
Creating impact.
With life comes chaos.
From it, order and meaning.
Chaos is a gift.
Needing to fit in.
Being like everyone else.
Embrace who you are.
Other peoples thoughts,
it will keep you from your dreams,
Follow your own voice.
Life’s not a product.
Life is owning our story.
Life is a process.
Many unknown roads.
Twists and turns, many dead ends.
Embrace the road trip.
Can do anything.
But you can’t do everything.
Comic that we try.
No one can hurt you
as badly as you hurt you.
Invisible wounds.
We all have some warts.
Hard to talk about our warts.
Be you, warts and all.
In order to have
a rainbow, you have got to
have torrential rain.
Being logical!
It's also kind of fun to
be unlogical.
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